Category: raspberrypi

How to solve this Dependencies apt –fix-broken install with raspberry pi OS.

Raspberry pi is based on Debian distribution. This article may assist apt repository upgrade failures. When ever there is a broken install, you can use the below command.

apt –fix-broken install
Whatever library it depends on use the below command to resolve it.

dpkg –force-all –configure -a
dpkg –purge –force-depends <library package name>
apt –fix-broken install
apt-get -f install


Source: debian – How to solve this Dependencies apt –fix-broken install – Super User

Raspberry Pi – Unable to do apt upgrade 404 error

While using older images of raspberry pi, the upgrade fails with the repository 404 not found.
The reason is the older images repository is moved to
I ran into this same issue but didn’t want to go through the work of upgrading versions,
so simply updated the mirror link in my sources.list from to

deb jessie main contrib non-free rpi
# Uncomment line below then ‘apt-get update’ to enable ‘apt-get source’
#deb-src jessie main contrib non-free

Source: linux – Debian apt-get update 404 not found error – Super User

Raspberry Pi Connection closed while doing remote SSH

Faced an issue of unable to connect remotely to my raspberry pi remotely over ssh. Enabled password based authentication etc in sshd_config file. Still the issue not resolved. Below commands assisted in the resolution of the problem.

sudo rm /etc/ssh/ssh_host_*
sudo dpkg-reconfigure openssh-server
sudo systemctl stop ssh
sudo systemctl start ssh

Source: Raspberry Pi Connection closed SSH – Stack Overflow