Tag: Linux

“Welcome, Kleptomaniac Octopus” – Linux 5.5 Lands, Here’s What’s New

Linus Torvalds has released the first stable Linux kernel update of 2020, Linux 5.5 – and it’s on schedule despite the worries that downtime over the holidays would have an impact on its release. The Linux 5.5 kernel update (dubbed “Kleptomaniac Octopus”) brings a host of performance tweaks as well as support for devices like the Raspberry Pi 4 and Broadcom chip BCM2711.

Source: “Welcome, Kleptomaniac Octopus” – Linux 5.5 Lands, Here’s What’s New

Using the Screen command

Screen command benefits

  • Can be used to launch multiple shells from a single SSH session.
  • Detach and re-attach from multiple ssh session.
  • Running process which can take more time and need session to be kept alive.
  • To keep the session alive without any network disruptions.

The command to create a screen session is

screen -t <screen name> -S <socket file name>

To detach a screen session

ctrl+a + d

To list the screen sessions

screen -ls

To reattach the screen session

screen -r <pid/name from the list>

Presume you lost the console where the screen was running before detaching the screen. You can detach and reattach using the below command

screen -dr <pid/name from the list>